十大网赌网址美国有限公司.’s Terms & Conditions

By requesting or accepting goods or services from 十大网赌网址USA and/or its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively, "Yamato"), the Customer agrees to the following payment terms and conditions of service ("Terms and Conditions").

大和可不时更改这些条款和条件. Any changes are effective immediately upon publication on our website at gvqi.rvnetguy.com 以及我们的隐私政策 gvqi.rvnetguy.com/privacy-policy/.

大和公司的付款条件 & Conditions

These are the terms and conditions (the "Terms and Conditions") of payment for Yamato’s services. Please note that your use of the Yamato website is also governed by our Privacy Policy, 以及所有其他适用条款, conditions, 大和网站上的限制和要求, all of which (as changed over time) are incorporated into these Terms and Conditions. If you choose to use Yamato’s services, you accept and agree to all Yamato Terms and Conditions.

大和接受现金支付, check, online payment, wire transfer, credit card, 借记卡或使用美国金融机构的任何经过验证的自动清算所(“ACH”)支持的银行账户. On occasion, 大和可代表客户预付款项, 可以向客户提供信贷吗, 并可要求客户在大和为客户或代表客户提供任何服务之前预付预期发票估计总金额的全部或部分.

  1. Online Payments. 为大和的在线航运服务, 客户将能够使用信用卡或借记卡(“卡”)进行在线支付,并可能被重定向到另一个URL来处理这些在线支付. 使用我们的在线送货服务时提供的信用卡信息由我们的支付服务提供商(“支付处理方”)处理。. 我们不会保留任何有关该卡的资料. 支付处理机构可能保留有关您信用卡的某些信息,其对这些信息的使用受支付处理机构隐私政策的约束. 您的在线支付将使用支付处理器的安全网站进行,该网站采用高水平的加密保护,并使用安全套接字层(SSL)技术. However, 您承认您的个人信息, 包括但不限于信用卡信息, 在互联网上传输的信息可能容易被截获, misuse, hacking, 盗窃和/或欺诈. 通过在线支付,您声明并保证:
    1. All information you provide relating to the Card and Card data is correct, accurate and complete.
    2. 你已满18岁.
    3. You have the appropriate authority to accept and agree to these terms.
    4. You are the holder of the Card and the Card is issued in your name.
    5. You are responsible for any charges or fees assessed against the Card by the Card issuer or any other third party.
    6. You are authorized to make and authorize payments using the Card; and
    7. 在处理每笔付款时,卡账户上有足够的资金和/或足够的信用额度来全额支付付款.
  2. 信用卡付款. If you authorize Yamato to charge a credit card as a method of payment (a "Credit Card Authorization"), 然后你授权大和, 自行决定, 在不另行通知您的情况下,从您的信用卡账户中扣除任何及所有发票上显示的金额. All credit card transactions will include credit card processing fee equal to 3.信用卡支付余额的0%. 您承认大和在决定是否向您提供运输服务时依赖于您的信用卡授权. Therefore, 考虑到大和同意依赖, 全部地或部分地, 以您的信用卡授权作为付款方式, 您不可撤销地授权大和向您的信用卡收取与任何已交付或正在运输的货物有关的任何费用. 如果您未接受报价,您可以通过AR@YamatoAmerica以书面形式通知大和,撤销您的信用卡授权.com, provided, 但是,对于已经与您共享的发票或您在撤销时与任何报价装运相关的可预见费用,此类撤销将无效. If you take any action to frustrate a transaction authorized by these Terms and Conditions, then Yamato, 自动,无须另行通知, revokes any credit terms or other payment accommodation which it might have previously afforded to you, 加速您的整个帐户余额, 你的全部余额马上就要到期了.
  3. 部分借记及退回款项. If your full invoice total is not processed by us at the same time, you hereby authorize Yamato to make partial charges on your credit card, 不要超过你发票的总金额. 如果您的任何款项因任何原因被退回, 包括但不限于资金不足, 大和将在所欠的金额上加上退货费. The return fee may be added to your payment amount and in addition to any applicable late fees or charges, any unpaid principal balance shall accrue interest at the rate of 2% per month (24% per annum), 计算每月, 从发票到期日的第二天开始, 直到余款付清. Yamato may initiate a collection process or legal action to collect any money owed. You agree to pay all our costs for such action, including any reasonable attorneys' fees.
  4. 银行账户付款. 通过选择使用银行账户作为付款方式, 您将能够在美国金融机构使用任何有效的自动清算所(“ACH”)启用的银行账户完成您的购买. 当您选择使用您的银行账户支付订单时, 您授权大和(或其代理)从您的银行账户中扣除您购买的总金额(包括适用的税款), 费用及运费). 您的交易必须以美元支付.S. dollars. Yamato, 自行决定, may refuse this payment option service to anyone or any user without notice for any reason at any time.
  5. 信用证及付款条件. Yamato’s standard payment terms require receipt of cash before performance of services. 我们可以自行决定向你方提供贷款. The amount and terms of credit are subject to our periodic review. 大和可以自行决定增加, decrease, suspend or revoke credit at any time for any reason and without advance notice. 除非我们另有约定, 大和没有义务作出或招致任何费用, 为任何目的担保或预付款.
  6. ACH Authorization. 通过选择ACH转账作为您的付款方式, 您承认大和在决定是否向您提供运输服务时依赖于您的ACH授权. Therefore, 考虑到大和同意依赖, 全部地或部分地, 您的ACH授权作为支付手段, 您不可撤销地授权大和从您的银行账户中接受您的ACH付款,以支付与任何已交付的货物有关的任何更改以及未来正在运输且尚未交付的货物. 如果您不接受报价,您可以通过AR@YamatoAmerica以书面形式通知大和,撤销您的ACH转账付款方式.com, provided, 但是,对于已经与您共享的发票或您在撤销时与任何报价装运相关的可预见变化,此类撤销将无效. If you take any action to frustrate an ACH transaction authorized by these Terms and Conditions, then Yamato, 自动且不另行通知地撤销之前提供给您的任何信用条款或其他付款便利, 加速您的整个帐户余额, 你的全部余额马上就要到期了.
  7. Contacting Yamato. 我们用您的信用卡处理的交易, 借记卡或ACH转账将在您的银行或持有您账户的其他金融机构出具的对账单上显示为“大和”(或类似的标识符). All questions relating to any transactions made using your bank account by us should be initially directed to us. You may contact us regarding your invoices or any payments made by writing to us at AR@YamatoAmerica.com.
  8. 交易错误. If you believe that any payment transaction initiated by Yamato with respect to your bank account is erroneous, 或者如果您需要任何此类交易的更多信息, you should contact us as provided in Section 7 of these Terms and Conditions. We reserve the right to cancel your method of payment for any reason at any time.
  9. No Offsets; Notice of Disputes. 客户应全额支付所有运费和附加费用, 没有任何基于所谓抵消的减少, 反诉或其他扣减. Full payment of freight and accessorial charges shall be a condition precedent to Customer's right to assert an offset, 反诉或其他扣减. 客户必须在收到包含有争议费用的发票后20天内,通过电子邮件以书面形式对任何运费或附加费用提出异议/争议,供大和审查.
  10. 关税和其他税收的支付. 为客户谁利用大和的海关经纪服务, 您可以通过电汇直接支付您的税款.S. Customs, or alternatively, 大和可能同意以您的名义提前支付他们,您将被要求偿还大和所预付的关税.
    1. ACH Transfer: Yamato recommends to its customers that it pay its U.S. 关税直接通过ACH转账. 为此,您需要直接在美国银行开立一个ACH账户.S. Customs. Your bank must be a NACHA participant with Electronic Interchange capability. 你(进口商)必须填写一份 ACH借记申请 海关和你的银行账户有什么联系. Thereafter, you can choose to have your ACH account debited in one of the following two methods:
      1. 每个单独的装运交易: Customs will debit your ACH account 10 business days after clearance.
      2. 每月定期报表: 如果您有ACE门户帐户, you can choose to consolidate all shipment duties for a given month into a single payment. 在给定月份的所有货物的总综合关税金额将在下个月的第15个工作日提取.
    2. Advance Payment: 客户是否应不支付其费用.美国的关税和直接向美国征收的税收.S. 海关或其他政府部门直接申报, 并应客户要求, Yamato may agree to pay them as an advance payment on behalf of Customer. 大和是否应该代表客户支付关税和税收, 大和将向客户收取预付款服务费. This service fee will be calculated as a percentage of the duties and taxes outlaid by Yamato. This service fee percentage will appear on written client quotes and/or estimates of duty payments, however Yamato will not know how much duties and taxes will need to be advanced by Yamato until the shipment clears U.S. Customs. Once that occurs, the final amount will be applied to Customer’s invoice. 客户将被要求在发票日期后的十四(14)天内支付包含关税和服务费预付款的发票. 如果未在十四(14)天内付款, 除了预付服务费之外, 客户将被要求支付百分之五的滞纳金.
  11. 未来信息披露的电子交付. 您同意接受您与我们在本网站或与您的大和客户帐户相关的主要电子邮件地址上的所有披露和其他通信. You should print and retain a copy of all such disclosures and communications.
  12. 责任限制和保证除外: Yamato and/or the Payment Processor and/or Yamato’s financial institutions are not liable for any inaccuracy, 错误或延迟, 或遗漏(a)任何资料, 信息或消息, 或(b)任何该等资料的传送或交付, 信息或消息; or (c) any loss or damage arising from or occasioned by any such inaccuracy, error, 延迟或遗漏, 任何此类数据的不执行或中断, 信息或消息. 在任何情况下,大和和/或支付处理程序和/或大和的金融机构都不承担任何直接的责任, indirect, incidental, 特殊或间接损害赔偿, 或者任何损害赔偿, 包括因未经授权的访问或更改数据传输或因Yamato提供的任何服务的暂停或终止而导致的付款处理的提供或任何不充分或不足而引起的或以任何方式与之相关的惩罚或惩戒. NEITHER YAMATO NOR THE PAYMENT PROCESSOR MAKE ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, 明示或暗示, 包括但不限于, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH RESPECT TO THE PROCESSING OF PAYMENTS UNDER THESE PAYMENT TERMS.
  13. Agreement Changes. 我们可以自行决定更改这些条款和条件, 其他适用条款和条件, 及/或我们的私隐政策,而无须另行通知阁下. 如发现任何更改无效, void, 或者因为任何原因无法执行, 该变更是可分割的,不影响任何其他变更或本条款和条件的其余部分的有效性和可执行性. We reserve the right to subcontract any of our rights or obligations under these Terms and Conditions. 如果我们改变这些条款和条件, 你继续使用你的信用卡, DEBIT CARD AND BANK ACCOUNT AS A PAYMENT METHOD CONSTITUTES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF SUCH CHANGES.